Egypt had one of the oldest civilization about 2000 BC. A lot is known about ancient Egypt because they invented picture writing and recorded their doings on papyrus. In Egyptian times, the art of medicine was mingled with religion. Egyptian physicians were co-equals of priests, trained in schools within the temples. They often helped priest care for the sick who were brought to the temples for treatment . There were no practical demonstrations in anatomy, for Egyptian religion enjoined strict preservation of the human body. Egyptian medicine reached its peak in the days of Imhotep (2800BC) who was famous as a statesman, architect , builder of the step pyramid of Saqqarah and physician . the Egyptian worshiped many gods. Imhotep was considered both a doctor and divinity. Specialization prevailed in Egyptian times. There were eye doctors, head doctors and tooth doctors. All these doctors were official paid by the state. Homer speaking of the doctors of the ancient world considered the Egyptians to be the “best of all’.
Egyptian medicine was far from primitive. They believed that disease was due to absorption from the intestine of harmful substances which gave rise to putrefaction of the blood and formation of pus. They believed that the pulse was “the speech of the heart”. Diseases were treated with cathartics, enema, blood-letting and a wide range of drugs. The best known medical manuscripts belonging to the Egyptian times are the Edwin Smith papyrus (3000-2500BC), and the Ebers papyrus (1150BC). The Edwin Smith papyrus, the oldest treatise on surgery, accurately describes partial paralysis following cerebral lesions in skull fractures. The Ebers papyrus which was found with a mummy on the banks of the Nile, is a unique record of some 800 prescriptions based on some 700 drugs. Castor oil, tannic acid, opium, turpentine, gentian, senna minerals and root drugs were all used by the Egyptian physicians. A great number of diseases are reported in the papyri such as; worms, eye diseases, diabetes, rheumatism, polio and schistosomiasis. Unfortunately, thsese ailments are still present in modern Egypt.
In the realm of public health also, the Egyptians excelled. They build planet, cities, public baths, and underground drains which even the modern might envy. They had also some knowledge of inoculation against smallpox, The value of mosquito net and the association of plague Rats. Their God of Health was Horus. Egyptians medicines occupied a dominant place in the ancient world for about 2500 years when it was replaced by greek medicine.
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