Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nutrition to Build Healthier Communities

Nutrition to Build  Healthy Community:

Food for Nutrition
We must all take responsibility for our own behavior, and we are all in charge of what we eat. Good health begins with our own personal responsibility.That's why we need communities that support our healthy choices. We all need access to fresh fruits and vegetables. We need healthy choices in our workplaces and communities. Our children deserve to be offered healthy choices in school. 

What are the best practices in Developed Country to build healthier communities:

1. Healthy eating in schools:
It is  including breakfast promotion, improved lunch and healthy snacks including classroom celebrations and incentives, fundraising, concessions and vending. Which can promote healthy living also.

2. Farm to School:
It  is key strategy for healthy eating in schools. By connecting farmers with schools to provide fresh, local foods, everyone wins. Some efforts include school gardens to educate children and supplement food offerings.

3. Healthy food environments in workplaces:
It means providing or improving access to healthy foods in cafeteria and in catering, as well as establishing workplace policies and programs that promote and support breastfeeding for working mothers. 

4. Healthy food environments in communities:
These  strategies work to improve access to nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables by increasing availability and affordability in grocery and corner stores, concession facilities and other food vendors; require calorie or nutrition labeling on menus; facilitate the development of new farmers markets and promote their use; and facilitate the development of new community gardens and other small scale food production strategies. 
Note: Above strategies are simple to read but can prevent most of the killer diseases in the world population if we could use them as a preventive way !

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