Immunity to Diseases:
Vaccination to child |
Antibodies are involved in producing immunity to disease. When certain foreign substances, such as those introduced by pathogenic bacteria or viruses, enter the body, antibodies are formed as a defensive response. Antibodies are protein substances or globulins derived from B and T lymphocytes, which originate in the bone marrow. They are specific to the particular invading substance, known as an antigen, and thus provide highly selective protein. Because antigens stimulate antibody production is important to epidemiology because titers of specific antibodies can be measured in individuals and used to indicate the relative immunity of different populations to specific disease, as well as to identify asymptomatic cases of disease.
The major differences between active and passive immunity have to do with how rapidly protection against a given disease is conferred and how long the protection lasts. In general, active immunity takes about two to three weeks to offer immunity, while passive immunity persists about two weeks if received from a serum and up to six mouths if received by placental transfer or breast-feeding.
Many vaccines are available for use in the Unite States to prevent potentially serious communicable diseases. General recommendations for adult immunizations may be modified depending on the history of childhood vaccinations and prior diseases. However, a list of the more common vaccines that are currently available for adult immunization is presented in table 3-2 on page 34. Routine childhood vaccines include the following:
1. Hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccine
2. Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
3. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine
4. Polio (IPV) vaccine
5. Measles,mumps,rubella(MMR) vaccine
6. Varicella (Var) vaccine
7. Hepatitis A(Hep A) vaccine
With the exception of the Hep A vaccine, which is recommended only in selected states or regions where hepatitis A is a concern, all childhood vaccines are recommended for general administration to children before the age of two.
** Don't take any vaccine without prescription from Medical Practioner !**